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Big Cities Health Inventory Data are Available to Download

Users can download the data points as a csv file here. When publishing data, charts/images from this site, please cite: Big Cities Health Inventory Data Platform. Big Cities Health Coalition. Bigcitieshealthdata.org accessed [date].  

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New Data Brief on Gun Deaths in Big Cities

Using data from our platform, this brief shows that over the past decade, there were nearly 60,000 gun deaths in Big Cities Health Coalition cities. In 2020 alone, across these cities there were approximately 19 gun deaths each day.  Our data brief can be used to inform city health priorities and potential policy actions in reduce gun injuries and death.  View the brief here

New Data Brief on Drug Overdose Deaths in Big Cities

Using data from our platform, this brief shows that drug overdose deaths in Big Cities Health Coalition cities nearly tripled between 2010 and 2020.  By year 2020, approximately 40 fatal overdoses occurred every day in these cities. Our data brief can be used to inform city health priorities and potential policy actions that could reduce harms to health from drug use.  View the brief here

New Data Brief Published on Obesity and City Environment

Using data from our platform, this brief shows that obesity rates vary substantially between Big Cities Health Coalition cities, with adult obesity ranging from 17% to 44% and teen obesity ranging from 8% to 22%. Compared to cities with the highest prevalence of obesity, cities with the lowest prevalence of obesity tended to have built environments that were more supportive of healthier eating and being physically active. This data brief can be used to inform city health priorities and potential policy actions related to obesity.  View the brief here

New Infographic on Maternal and Child Health

In partnership with the Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC), the Drexel Urban Health Collaborative (UHC) has updated and redesigned the Coalition’s Big Cities Health Inventory data platform.  A webinar was held on December 8th, 2021 where BCHC and UHC discussed new features, use cases for health departments and other public health professionals, and functionality.  During the webinar, the team shared an infographic that looked at the platform’s metrics on maternal and child health in relation to CDC’s Healthy People 2030 goals. The infographic illustrates how users can use the platform’s data to assess progress relative to national benchmarks.  Learn more

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